Pageviews from the past week

Friday, 25 February 2011

Glass and Stuff ordered and Dispatched

All the stuff for fusing and slumping is now ordered and dispatched, great stuff. Hope it arrives undamaged! Then I will be a busy bee next week at college.

I wish I had a kiln at home, that will be my next HUGE purchase, if I ever get it together. Keep looking online but all the bargains are very far away on eBay.

Cute animating photo found in another blog

Weather not good for weekend allegedly, but maybe I might get to ride out on my horse. 

Thursday, 24 February 2011


In case anyone had missed it, I must say that I am very heavily influenced by the art of the Middle East, because of the beauty of Arabic calligraphy and Architecture, and the use of colour. These lands began the human search for knowledge and beauty. The origins of science and mathematics were here. Whatever you feel about it, unless as I did, you start to read and learn about this region in order to understand its ambiguities, you could find yourself forever ignorant.

And as an obscure San Fransisco art house band once stated "Ignorance of your Culture is not considered Cool"

Robert Hughes The Mona Lisa Curse: Part 1

Retail therapy helps students too!

On a break this week, called 'reading week' but is actually half-term to me! Never heard the "term" until attending PCA. I am thinking hard about what way my work will go, and planning what I will do next week when back at college.

To that end I have spent lots of money on glass from two different sources. One is Warm Glass in Bristol, whose web site I really like. Their online shop is pretty good, I hope. I have opted for Bullseye glass for fusing this time. Have bought a whole bunch from an eBay seller too, as their colour choice was good.  Having seen some results of fusing with Bullseye when two visiting artists gave lectures at college last year, on the Bullseye sponsored tour, I know it produces good results.

Having previously tried Spectrum System 96, I am pinning my hopes on Bullseye being better! The problem with System 96 was not in the manufacturing, its just really difficult to get the colours you need. That and other students hi-jacking the kiln and putting the temperature too high! You know who you are.

The next step is ordering Ceramic decals from my Photoshop and Illustrator generated images. I am so looking forward to seeing what transpires. I have experimented with Lazertran Injet Decal paper and the results are really good, but to fuse the images onto the glass would be fantastic. Fingers crossed.