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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Another Test Piece

Here is another example of my work with a fused ceramic decal added to the glass. I will add a video clip soon of how to apply the waterslide decals (or Transfers) to glass, when I have edited it. This one was fused and slumped (or sagged as named in the US)into a mould in one go in the kiln. It was taken up to 720C. The decal was quite pale compared to the original image which was initially a drawing of Arabic style text drawn by myself/ It was scanned into my Mac and manipulated slightly in Photoshop. The resulting image was then emailed to a company in Stoke-on-Trent, who the produced the decal.

I have been informed by the makers that the colours 'mature' with firing. To that end I have put some of the test pieces back in the kiln tonight for re-firing. Will report back the results!

I will post a photo of my horse next, as remembered to take my camera with me this evening, and he had been out without a rug on as it was a beautiful spring day at last it was warm.

And this is his new best friend Plum!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

What a Beautiful Day

Sorry but today being Sunday, I had to suspend the constant thinking about my work and do something away from computers!

Rode my horse out through peaceful lanes lined with daffodils and whats left of the snowdrops.

Afternoon went to Mothercombe Beach with Zig, my dog, it was the first time he has been there, but not the last. You can understand why the movie people pick it as a location, it is so gorgeous, especially on a day like this. The last photo I could not resist posting, I love what the tide does to sand.